Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Please respond if you like a book club, according to the "Western Canon" or "Lifetime Reading Plan" ® Please respond if you like a book club, according to the "Western Canon" or "Lifetime Reading Plan"

Consider from jovianembassy: Please answer if you’d like a book club based on the “Western Canon” or the “Lifetime Reading Plan”

The “Western Canon” is by Harold Bloom and the “Lifetime Reading Plan” is by Fadiman & Major.

I’ve been reading the books that are listed within the two above titles, but I’d love to have other interested readers to discuss the books with. Please respond if you’re “in”!


Definitely precisely about Please answer if you’d like a book club based on the “Western Canon” or the “Lifetime Reading Plan” may prefer to fix complications their selves. With some luck , you will find in lots of ways: making everything better. In hopes precisely about Please answer if you’d like a book club based on the “Western Canon” or the “Lifetime Reading Plan” can certainly be a strategy someday.

Answer by dropkick_murphy9
I’d be in. I use the lists at the back of Bloom’s Canon whenever I go to the library and get at least half my books from there.

Understand or know a lot better?

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Please respond if you like a book club, according to the "Western Canon" or "Lifetime Reading Plan"

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